Saturday, February 2, 2008

A town on death row

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so hard but true facts about the community of Black Tickle, There aren't a lot of bright future endeavors there. The younger people of BT are going to University or College and go to work elsewhere. Soon there will be even fewer numbers of that place.

It is to me, a community that is slowly losing its Heart because of the little things that are left to do. Winter was always a time of going in the Bay and getting loads of wood once the inside run froze over. Or to go in the bay to hunt or simply stay in the cabin. Come spring the gears shifted into prep mode.

The fisherman would get their gear out and prepare them for the upcoming summer fishery. And they worked hard at that sewing in new webs to their gilnets or mending them. Preparing their Cod Traps too was a work in progress at the time too Even the odd Trawl Line was prepped. Years ago they even prepared to get four salmon nets for the salmon season from June 5th to sometime in July. Also they fixed their boats and motors also. While still getting the wood from in the bay or heading to Cartwright or PHS for a trip for an event of fun before the summer season.

Then the summers were load and go time of year. The Community mushroomed from 200 to about 3000 from all over different places.

Labradorians came to the community to fish and Parts of Nfld also from Quebec too. But the summer always provided lots of fish for all then. But the last few years before the announcement of the NCARP then eventually TAGS, the fishery was already dying off. Just before that there was a glimpse of hope of Black Tickle flourishing to become a bigger community By the Gov't choosing to Develop the community with a New `L' Shaped Community Dock (which I worked at) and the Dam and Dyke along with a pipeline that ran from Martin's pond to the bottom of Domino. (I worked there too) Also the road was graded and was supposed to be maintained. They even had a guy there who was the Maitence man for that community. All in hopes of the Fishery providing a community with wealth of self sufficeny. But as I have mentioned while the Dock was built there was LOADS of Fish that year landed. Then the Dam and Dyke was built along with the pipeline for water and sewer was constructed. But it was that same year the fishery was slowed down from load and go to like a trickle in the fishery regards to flourishment. There was hardly no fish at all in that year. The harbour was always so busy and when I would be home for my lunch I couldn't believe that the harbour that was so busy `like bees around their hive' to a harbour with lots of No Activity regards to getting fish ready to process. That was the beginning of the end I thought. I was in awe of the No fish around to be processed. From landing 21 million pounds of fish from Domino to Punch Bowl in three weeks a couple years before to an early shutdown of the plant that year and the Fisher people all going home early. Then having to rely on the Make Works Projects to survive that next winter. Having said all that, The community did have a lot to do with being a Central place to work from even though the Fishing grounds were from Domino to Punch Bowl. My point being is that the communities along that route were all affected even with Fisher people staying in those different communities.

However it was Black Tickle that was getting the higher road for its development because it was a Permanent Community that was established since the 1800's by the Keefe family and others. They were the community that had about 3000 people to take care of by the necessities needed in the comminity. Dropping to their about 200 people. And being a Year round place to live. The people of Black Tickle are still in NEED of a healthy water and sewer system. They are Just as Important as any other community in Labrador or elsewhere. I add taht we are not a third world country also. The amounts of income produced in that community over the years have paid for in Full over and over the necessities that are strongly needed there.

The Gov't suddenly turning their backs and not providing the people of Black Tickle and Domino with the necessities of life are what is what I call very sad and unacceptable. It is inexcusable for the Gov't to place a merit based upon fishery now there.

They are forcing extintion of those two places Donimo and Black Tickle. It is like a slow suffering torture to the two places by making them suffer as they do while the rest of Labrador is getting the Road or other developments needed. They can give the community what it needs. Like the video talks about there are a lot of Natural Resources that the Island of Ponds offer and the surrounding waters to also. The people are neglected by a Modern Gov't that would not think twice to get the same needs in their place in it was needed.

So that is my humble opnion about this. It is not right and the people are being neglected by our Country which is supposed to be the Best place to live in. I agree with it being the Best country to live But I wish that the Gov't OF ALL LEVELS would not Tell Donimo and Black Tickle that Our country is the best in the world. But to SHOW The two communities that we are the best communities by giving the basic needs and it is badly and desperatly needed. It shouldn't have to be a discussion but unfortunately not only is it a discussion it is still a need and doesn't look like it will be addressed anytime soon.

Strongly disappointed;

Ralph Webber Jr.