Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snow & Chocolate

Valentine's Day is tomorrow, another day where the chocolate flows wilder than the Churchill River. What is it with winter holidays and chocolate? At Christmas we see endless boxes of chocolates, chocolate santas, chocolate Rudolph, chocolate trees and so on.
Easter theres the chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, chocolate roosters and I bet somewhere theres a chocolate Jesus!
Tomorrow the chocolate hearts will be everywhere. The chocolate companies take in millions at these three times of year! Makes you want to start a chocolate factory......ohhhh wait.....Joey Smallwood already tried that in just one of his hair brained schemes that went bust.
I wonder would it work any better today?...................nahhhhh thats just the chocolate messing with my brain!


BonnieL said...

It's no wonder we gain weight over the winter months, its all the chocolate occasions....

Anonymous said...

The sad part about choclate, tea,coffee,sugar and other goodies is that it's mainly harvested by slave labour...but the plantation owners are rolling in money....sort of like the cod fishery and the merchants who strolled Water Street in St.John's.I recall a story about a cotton processing machine where a large knife was kept nearby to sever a hand if a slave got thier hand stuck in the machine...too much time was wasted in shutting down the machinery....Whenever I eat chocklate,drink tea/coffee I think of the poor buggers that slave to bring it to us,i'm cutting way back on choclate....which is not a bad thing since my belt size increased.....Tony Roberts,St.Anthony